
Dome build: YT Dome Rotation Video.


Our hero pushing the dome around by hand.

Sony AS15 action cam on a tall window cleaning pole tied to a stepladder. Controlled wirelessly by HomeMemoriesMobile via a Lenovo Tablet.

Now I remember why my hair was standing up on end. I was wearing a black T-shirt over my head to be able to see the tablet. Once the camera started I would throw the T-shirt over the car and put the tablet down. I was struggling with an automatic, 60 second cut-out setting on the camera. Only discovered after the event.

Those of you who enjoyed the Paul Whitehouse comedy sketches will remember Jesse coming out of a shed, turning to close the door and then back to the camera to say; "Mostly I has been..." I thought "the gravel walk" was reminiscent of those sketches so left them in.

More seriously, it has been pointed out that the dome base looks slightly smaller than the supporting timber ring on top of the octagon. This is only true at certain angles of dome rotation. It will require a slight flare to throw rainwater outside the octagon's footprint. The wheels below the dome need to be covered over anyway.

So I need a cosmetically appealing solution to both needs. Inwardly sloping flashing could rise from the building. Leaving only a slight flair required on the dome itself to close the overlap against wind and rain. The reason for the lack of [rain] overlap was the mid-way change from round to 16-sided.

The camera's viewpoint is quite high. Which seems to shrink the dome's diameter yet make it look tall. Having seen the base ring leaning against the building it is odd how much smaller it looks when arranged horizontally. My presence in the dome changes the sense of scale completely. Which was quite unexpected.


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