Thank you for all the time and effort you all put into sharing your expertise. Even if I didn't always follow your advice it was invaluable in giving me options and generating new ideas. It all added to my armoury of possibilities within my own, very limited capabilities.
Working entirely alone, as a septuagenarian, with occasional help from my wife, was bound to affect the final outcome. The result, as far as I am concerned, is still very satisfying both practically and aesthetically. Moreover it has raised me above many of the local obstructions for the very first time.
My observatory and no doubt others, are all the better for your contributions to the sum of human knowledge. You made it happen by setting a very high bar for me to aim for. One I readily accepted to push myself beyond all previous, personal standards or expectations.
My observatory isn't perfect, but it provides the basis for ongoing improvements as time, funds and inspiration allow. Above all, it provides vital shelter for my equipment. While allowing almost instant access, adequate security and rapid shut down. Advantages by which all observatories should be judged. After decades of observing on open lawns I highly recommend an observatory to those who can manage to build or obtain one.
A sincere thank you to everybody who offered me guidance. You know who you are.
Click on any image for an enlargement.
So happy that you were able to get this finished. Great that people can come and hear the end of one chapter and then see the continuation of your story. Dont underestimate the pleasure and inspiration you have supplied to others as you carried out this amazing build.
Hello Jon, It is very kind of you to take the trouble to comment so positively on my observatory build. Having a working observatory has revolutionised my hobby after decades of observing all too rarely from the lawn.
I highly recommend having a secure shelter for the instruments. If only to save the endless setting up and tearing down. To be able to observe in under 5 minutes from checking the sky is clear brings endless new opportunities. Instant gratification of the best possible kind.
Without all the advice from forum members, my observatory would have been a poor shadow of what it has become. Simultaneously, by publishing my problems and progress honestly, I maintained the self-discipline to actually finish it and to a far higher standard than I could ever have imagined.
Thanks and best regards,
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