
9th May 2019 White light solar. Two nice sunspots.


67/63F In/out. Cloudy until after 4pm. Then a partial clearance allowed me to capture a couple of 1000 frame videos: Limited to best 40% in Registax 6.

The  original spot is well onto the disk now. With another following on.

Drat! I failed to rotate the camera to ensure correct orientation.

Quite pleased with the surface detail this time. The spots are showing lines of magnetism too.

Saturday 11th a sunny day but with some fluffy cloud coming from the north west. Another chance to work on improving my imaging.

The seeing was not nearly as good as the last time. No fine detail on the laptop screen during SharpCap captures. With a graininess also overlaid on the final images. The cloud thickened as the morning wore on.

I seemed unable to pull anything worthwhile from the videos. Trying Autostakkert instead of Registax after watching some tutorial videos to get a better grip on the settings. Getting 80fps by reducing frame size. The final images look as if they are covered in rippled glass!

Back out again after lunch. Only to have to close up and come back indoors as the farmer sprayed the field just beyond our hedge.

15.00 64/57F in/out. Dome panels at 115F up high in the direction of the sun. Falling to 100F lower down.

16.00. Larger plates of cloud stopped play. I'm experimenting with black shading cloth for my head but think a black box for the laptop would be best. It would have to be roomy to let the fan breathe. A deep crossbar would provide a "letter box" to view the screen and a lower slot to access the keyboard. Painting the inside of the dome black would also help to kill the unwanted brightness. I routinely wear black clothing to avoid direct reflections from the screen but bright sunshine makes even matt black look pale grey and reflective.

One of the buttons on the "Skywatcher" clone DC focuser motor paddle has already died. The other button forgets to stop the motor when I let go. Cheap crap! Grr!

Sunday Another sunny  day with cloud and rather windy. Solar> WL and H-a.

I am experimenting with different capture and stacking software. Also pushing hard on Registax wavelets and being much more subtle. As can be seen here in today's H-alpha results.

I am using PhotoFiltre7 to false colour and finish off. Usually with increased contrast and matching gamma to retain neutral brightness. There is a very long way to go to maximize my results via software.
We must remain grateful that the sun keeps providing spots to practice on as we sink toward the Solar Minimum. A bare sun is not much fun.

Click on any image for an enlargement.


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