
Goodbye SharpCap hello Firecapture? Earthing the mounting.


Monday 24th June: I reloaded FireCapture onto my laptop from the website after resetting my 4k screen to 1920x1080. Finally I could see the details of the work page but that is as far as it went. It took me ten minutes of searching to find the damned Night Vision/Daylight button. 

I started off with a realistic H-alpha view in typical pink but without the SharpCap rippled mask overlay. Great! Before I knew it my sun had gone mono and was impossible to return to normal. Then it started collecting artifacts and was soon a mess of crossed lines instead of a normal picture! 

The change in screen resolution was not perfect and the menu bar was being overlapped by the active image box. I closed it down to start again and then searched hopelessly for it on my computer. It existed nowhere! A fresh download and fresh settings every single time I want to use it? Life is too short! I even added it to my work bar but that had vanished too! Grr!


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