
Chump's colossal arrogance and ignorance.


Did you see Chump remaining seated on his golden throne while greeting the Apollo Astronauts? That's how much respect he really has for these incredibly brave people. Now he hopes to bask in their glory again by repeating exactly the same exercise fifty years later. Purely as a sales gimmic to his unfortunate followers.  

Will he get off his fat arse for the next group of incredibly brave people when they [hopefully] return from another perilous trip to the Moon? Because they are then HIS incredibly brave people and HIS private property? Rather than the propaganda tools of some supposedly inferior, womanizing president from yesteryear? Whom he constantly badmouths on Junior Twatter.

Do you remember the famous picture of Goebbels intense hatred for humanity when he was photographed by A Jew? Keep that image firmly in mind for when Von Chump is finally brought before the courts. Despite the protection of his vast, inherited wealth and his Brown Shirts.


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