
2.12.19 Hair drier wins!


Monday 11.15, 37F, sun after early cloud cleared. Still being teased by long strips of cloud.
Once uncovered the objectives dewed over. So out came the new [secondhand] hair drier. On low warmth it quickly cleared the problem.Then they steamed over again. So further gentle warmth was applied with lots of hand waving of the hair drier. The inner surfaces look misty as well.

First image of knotted prom at 4 o'clock.

I am using a small makeup mirror to see into the objectives well above my head. So much easier than climbing on a beer crate or dragging the telescopes down to my level and then having to re-sync on the sun.

Have I mentioned how C-Du-C/ Skychart keeps talking to me? To which my wife would reply: "What are the voices telling you to do?" 😊  Usually followed by "Is she a blonde?" 😨

There is a rather small, looped prom at about 4 o'clock on the solar limb. Thin cloud is making it difficult to tune and adjust the brightness. When enlarged [zoomed] in SharpCap the prom appears almost knot-like. Small humps and proms at 1 o'clock and ten o'clock. Nothing obvious on the disk.

This second image was processed and inverted in in imppg from the same, still image above.
The tiny image was cropped from 640x480 and then false coloured and enlarged to 500pixels in PhotoFiltre7.

12:00, 41F in the dome. Much heavier cloud arriving from the NW. Hopeless conditions for capturing anything except a cold!

13.00. Paused for lunch. The sun has now come out again. I had better return to the fray! Only captured a few images of the same prom as seeing conditions worsened with the proximity of the roof. Sun sank below the house ridge around 15.00.

Having given up on the sun I did some odd jobs until the Moon rose high enough. The seeing was awful! With violent thermal shaking and simultaneous streaming. I captured a lot of videos to have something to play with later.

I have almost given up on Registax and gone over to Autostakkert. Though I have been following on from AS!3 with Registax6 for Wavelets. Imppg is getting some exercise too. As I claw myself up the overhanging learning curve of image processing. Came back in at 18.00 as cloud became a serious nuisance.


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