
22.01.2020 Sunny periods


Wednesday 22nd, 41F, NW breeze bringing variable cloud.

11.00 Started up for H-a imaging. Fast lower cloud crossing. Higher cloud relatively still. I'm going to need patience unless it clears!

Slewed onto the sun to find a bold, pillar prominence right in the middle of the field of view. NE quadrant. Then  more cloud arrived. Gong Ha shows the prom and a pale disturbance in the center of the disk.  Not much else. Only the briefest of sunny periods at the moment. The southerly sky is a mass of cloud. 

1000 frames 800x600 320fps in SharpCap at 2.1ms exposure during brief clearances. Half that fps for the prom and limb.

First image: Prom overexposed to bring out the detail. Strong thermal agitation on both the limb and the disk.

14:20 After lunch the seeing was [thermally] marginally better. I even captured a video of the prom simultaneously with the surface detail. Not great but possibly a first for me. Processed only in AS!2 and PF7. iMPPG wrecks the detail with over-sharpening.

I have downloaded Gimp but need a serious video tutorial to make any sense of any of the hieroglyphs.

15:00 Sun just above the house ridge. Previously focused image has gone all blurry on the monitor!
Rather than losing fps I am increasing Gain in SharpCap while keeping the Exposure short. Under 2ms. 400fps at 640x480! Not that it's worth capturing anything. Shade 41.7F, 45.7F in the open dome after 4  hours. It's beginning to feel quite chilly.

15:10 Giving up for today.


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