
2.03.2020 Sunshine!


Monday 2nd 36F, clear blue sky until 10.00 when cloud came over from the SSW. 40/43F Out/Inside the dome. I've had morning coffee and now have my fleece neck sleeve on to combat the draughts. Snow boots and down jacket on to avoid the chill. It's surprising how a draught can make it feel much colder.

A few darker marks on the disk so I went for the proms at 2 o'clock and 5.00 on the westward limb. The image is 2000 frames in 9 seconds at 640x480 using the WO 2x Barlow nose for 220fps on the ASI174 camera for 4.5ms exposure.

Quite a steady image with occasional bodily movement. Probably from the rising southerly wind catching the telescope. I have the three, dew heater bands on low at 65F. Though I haven't checked for dew yet because the image looks even and crisp enough.

I have swapped the 2" UV/IR cut filters around by removing the locking ring from the Beloptik KG3. IT had no front thread for tandem filter stacking. The Baader H-a 35nm is screwed into the now, bare thread to act as the locking ring. The Baader was much more reflective so should keep the heat out of the etalon and help to keep the KG3 cool.

Tried iMPPG for the third & 4th image. 3rd is over-sharpened but lots of detail. The 4th is more subtle processing.

11.00 41/45F. The cloud is becoming a nuisance and the wind is increasing. More obvious thermal agitation in the image now.

11.30 Had to use the hairdrier on a patch of mist inside the D-ERF.

11.45 43/46F but feeling cold in the draughty dome.

12:25 Clouding over too much for capturing proms now.

Gone over to some detail in the NE of the disk. Hint of a filament over the disturbed area? Captured with 2000 frames 800x600 no Barlow through thin cloud. Image left over-processed and cropped for improved detail.

12:30 Fully overcast.


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