
27.3.20 A tiny prom.


Thursday 27th 50/46 [In/Out] sunny from a clear sky after an overnight frost.

10:00 Prom at 10 o'clock. Indistinct smudges north and south. First capture near southern limb. 800x600. 35% of 3k frames.

10:20 The "seeing" is steady but not very detailed.

10:40 More thermal, bodily movement of the image on the monitor now.

Very difficult to capture the small prom at 10 o'clock. Poor contrast again.

11:29  640x480 x2 WO Barlow and cropping in PhotoFiltre7  to produce a barely visible image of the prom.

12:20 56/51F, Have spent some time processing to try to improve on my original still image.

14:15 60/51F. Back after lunch. The prom continues to change. Resembling the smoke from a bonfire.

14:28 60/51F. Still capturing the prom with a 2x WO Barlow.

15:28 The prom changed again.


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