
30.03.2020 Lunar:


Monday 30th. The sky remained clear with a crescent moon high overhead. 

I left the D-ERF and internal protective filters in place for some lunar imagery.

8:00 Set up on the moon. Thank goodness the wind has dropped!

1.4ms, 320fps, Gain 395. 800 x 600. Mono8.
1024 x768 250fps. Gain 400. Mono8
640x480 400fps. Gain 400. Mono8.

8.35 34F in the dome. Captured lots of videos. Both SSDs full! Laptop full. Pack up for dinner.

Will post images tomorrow. The seeing looked good on the monitor. Even with the 2x WO Barlow and 640x480 frame. I was deliberately keeping the brightness low to avoid overexposing the brighter details.


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