
6.07.2020 Gales, hail storms and misbehaving ImPPG!


Monday 6th July. 10.30.60/58F. Following two days of wind and rain I am ready but being teased by cloud and wind. Downloaded new version of Skychart / C-du-C.

B1200 BF but no GPC yet. Capturing a disturbed feature in the SE quadrant. A brighter feature in the SW and large, darker filaments in the NW.

10.45 A sudden and torrential rain and hail shower! Deafening on the dome and a bit scary! I have closed the shutters and put the lights back on. The hail can be heard bouncing off the veranda metalwork! The leaks are now in all the wrong places because I was aimed at the SE. I have quickly rotated the dome back to its familiar south facing orientation to avoid unpredictable water damage.

10.55 Bright sunshine from blue skies. Back to capturing videos. ImPPG is ridiculously spotty from hideous over-sharpening! It does this sometimes without obvious cause. 

11.25 Clouding over! Wind and rain again. No just extended cloud cover.

2.15 Cloud might be clearing enough to try again. Dome facing more into the wind now.


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