
25.08.2020 Poor seeing no results.


Tuesday 25th 08.30. 60F. A clear, bright start but little to see on the Sun. One indistinct smudge in the south and a rather small prom at 10.30 on the NE limb.

I tried capturing them using both BFs in turn and various GPCs. 

09.30. Paused for coffee and toast indoors. The seeing won't support the necessary magnification on the prom. 1500mm f/l x 2.6 GPC. Though I seriously doubt the GPC provides the stated power being so close to the camera. 2.6x refers to a far more distant placing on the nose of the TS binoviewer. 

9.45 Small clouds are crossing now as I wait and hope for better seeing conditions. The sun is moving beyond the nearby, shed roof. 


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