
27.09.2020 Sun in the afternoon with fair seeing conditions.


Sunday 27th 66/63F. Overcast, waiting for sun to appear as I test the drives further. 

The sun came out after lunch. Though with cloud crossing. Fairly high frequency thermal agitation. Breezy from behind the dome.

13.40 Captured first video worth processing.

14.10 70/64F. Seeing marginally improving. 

Not sure how much my processing is improving. Though I am seeing more detail on the monitor. I'm wondering whether the strengthening wind is mixing the air currents. Thin high cloud is making the sky milky.

14.28 C-Du-C has crashed and wont open again!

Now the RA drive is trying to go via north to Home! The Sun is well past the meridian but it is insisting on slewing west instead of east.  LST is within 2 seconds.  I'll have to drive it to the other side of the mounting manually. A waste of valuable capture time with the sun bright and clear!

Now the seeing has gone to hell! I'm going to have to restart the computer. That worked. C-Du-C/Skycharts is back again.

The sun went behind a huge plate of cloud so idle hands played with the last image: 




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