


 Wednesday 30th 13.20[CET] 61/60F [In/out] Very cloudy but with teaser holes promising sunshine.

LST is correct within seconds. The mounting has just slewed the wrong way to cross the Meridia

n to find the sun west of the Meridian. Despite being Synced at the parking place [horizontal > East] it has gone well past the sun 20° and is also pointing far too high 10°! Declination drive direction has arbitrarily reversed. Manually reversed to correct. Now the sun has come out. Oh joy! 

Sending Home to the parking place for another Sync. Let's try that again. Sun at 195°. Well past the Meridian.  It should flip, but no! I has gone the wrong way again! Interesting. It managed Azimuth but was too high.

Seeing okay but the wind is moving the scopes though the slit. Hung the doubled shade net. Then doubled it again.

Fighting cloud and southerly wind now!

Now the PST etalon sweet spot is causing illumination problems. Dark above. Light below. The etalon is not responding to tilting.

A handheld snap of the sun through cloud using my 100-400mm Leica, zoom lens on my Lumix G9. Heavily cropped from 5000 to 1000 pixels.

Still fighting the weather! If the scopes go any further west I shan't be able to reach the keyboard and monitor! Time for a manual flip.  Tried a Home run but it wants to go north of the pier! Grr!

Manually slewed East on the IH2 pad. It didn't stop when I released the button! Well past east and steeply nose down by the time I unplugged the drives. It would not respond to the IH2. Realigned and Synced on the parking position again. LST is correct. Site is correct. RTC is correct. Dec Dir is correct. 

Slew to sun at 203°W. It went the right way this time. Missed the sun of course. Far too much cloud. And wind! Now the Internet is crawling!



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