
4.11.2020 AR2781 .


Wednesday 4th 52/49F, bright sunshine with variable cloud. Seeing conditions better than of late but not great. Sky is white in the direction of the sun.

10.48: First image. A bright flare is causing contrast problems.

The spot group is clearly visible in white light through the 90/10 with Lunt 1.25" wedge, 20mm Meade 4000 Plossl and Baader Solar Continuum.

11.04 Seeing is not improved. Processed to dull down the flare.

11.15 Still struggling for detail. Changed down to 1.6x GPC to bring in the large filament to the west.




12.20  57/52F Slight improvement in seeing.



12.41 Struggling to produce even lighting across the image. Detail coming out in the shade. Suggests off-band across the image.

Cloud keeps coming and going.





 12.57 58/53F Slightly better seeing conditions but the tuning is still off.








14.15 57/51F Back after a late lunch but it is now much more cloudy.  Seeing is now highly mobile. The AR is crackling with small flares to the SE of the dark spot.

More bright flares from the same active area!







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