
9.03.2021 I'm a lumberjack and I'm alright...


Tuesday 9th 26F, another hard, white frost, clear and bright. It is 5 weeks today since I ordered the hemispherical, calf shelter.

This morning I am going to try to chop the tops off the full height frames at the back of the building. I hope to be working through the slit with the jigsaw for speed, safety and accuracy. It feels too unsafe to be working from the vestiges of the veranda. Which is why I have been putting it off. 

Image of a mock-up of the new door position.

It would make sense to fix new cross braces at the correct height. To help to stiffen the frames before sawing off the excess post height. 

First, measure your posts! I was hoping to use the 360° laser but the double, dome skirts get in the way of the beam. So, remove the inner skirt and peg the rubber skirts up and out of the way? It is far too premature to completely remove the skirts. Particularly with a storm forecast for Thursday/Friday.

The "pegging up" need only be limited to a short section of rubber skirt. Rotate the dome and use the fixed laser on a tripod. Mark each post, in turn, working through the slit. I can't reach down to the correct height with the laser but I can certainly mark them all higher up. Then simply measure downwards from the marked line. 

I should really start on the already chopped posts, for an initial, height reference. Using a standard spacer set on top of the cross braces. A short piece of PVC plumbing pipe would do. Stable, but lightweight to handle compared with a block of wood.

What a silly Billy! I just need to set the 360° laser high enough to see through the slit. Then I don't need to touch the dome skirts. I just need a taller spacer to mark the posts down from the reference line. The laser will sit on a tripod on the observatory floor. While the dome is rotated independently.

I managed to cut off all the posts to the same height after marking with the spacer and laser. Reaching the posts to mark them was a real trial of nerve and patience. I then refitted the cross braces to the tops. Then lots more 4" screws to hold the uprights firmly together. It feels as if I made a fair bit of progress this morning but I am rather tired now. Lunch break!


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