Thursday 15th 30F, white overnight frost, bright start, becoming cloudy.My G9 camera won't download today's photos. Wasted ages on it.
11.30 Back to imaging just in time for the cloud to cover the sky. 48f inside the dome. Grabbing 500 frame videos, when I can, between cloud.
Screen mages a bit soft and dull. No real definition.
Caught one video and processed it. Now it looks 'overcooked' to me:
12.10. 49F. My hands are cold!
A brief clearing of the sun produced another image:
The etalon is badly tuned and the lighting still very asymmetric.
More detail through the clouds than without them.
12.20 Solid cloud now. Moving quite slowly from the NE.
12.27 Another brief clearing.
12.38 50F.
13.02 Prom
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