
8.04.2021 Spare segment marked out for the shutters.


Thursday 8th 34F, bright start but quickly turning cloudy. A drier day [hopefully.]

Despite notifications of despatch, none of the promised orders has been delivered to the relevant carriers. So I shall continue marking out the shutters on the spare "roof" segment. First I must confirm the centre line I drew yesterday is actually straight and accurate. They were anything but easy working conditions yesterday with the frequent hail showers.

Today it remained dry as I crawled up and lay over a padded ladder resting on top of the spare segment. Finally, after much checking,  I was able to ink in my central pencil line. I then measured and pencilled in 50cm wide shutter lines on either side of the central line. The shutters will be wider to cover the thickness of the plywood ribs. So I did not ink in these lines. 

The circumferential height of the shutters is a minimum of 3.4m from the doorway lip. Longer still, once the overlaps at the zenith and bottom are added in. There is no shortage of material beyond the tape I applied for the image. 3.4m from the doorway at the far end of the segment. I should have plenty of material to close the open, spherical triangles each side of the shutters. 

I will need to see which way up the shutters look best regarding the facets. Logic suggests the wider facets should be at the bottom. Much like a classical pillar. However, they may look better with the narrower facets at the bottom when [always] seen from below. Perspective might then make them look parallel. 

The local store of the big shed, DIY chain continues to have zero stock of the cladding plywood.


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