


Monday 13th 65F, overcast or cloudy. 

I managed to lower the shutters a little. The shutter arc clearance above the dome is now 50mm or about 2". 

To lower it any further I would need to notch the shutter ribs to fit over the projection around the original doorway. This not only reinforces the doorway cut-out, but provides a narrow gutter. To avoid rain running straight down over the open doorway. 

Despite its small size the gutter works well. Probably due to the curvature of the dome and limited capture area. Notching the shutter ribs would not weaken them by much. Cutting the gutter away would point the run-off under the shutters. How much rib to cut away and where is a variable. Depending on the height of the shutters. Should I treat it as a purely vertical drop in level throughout? Or an inwards movement as well?

I am still struggling with the sideways tilt of one outer  rib. I removed all the brackets and increased the angle of each. No difference.

It brightened in the afternoon but not remotely clear enough for imaging.


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