
8.10.2021 Imaging AR2882 through cloud.


Friday 8th 55F, cloud clearing. Or arriving quickly from the E-SE. The sun teased so I set up do some imaging.

15.42 [CET] First image. Seeing fairly steady but transparency modest - fairly good. Depending on cloud thickness. Attacked by a wasp in the dome!



 13.54  PST etalon sweet spot spoiling the show.






16.07 Another wasp! 

16.15 Struggling with endless cloud and PST etalon sweet spot. Transparency improving.

Incursion into AR2882 umbra from SE. Filament to the north of AR high mobile, changeable and fast moving.

Sky turning white between clouds. Thermal instability increasing.

 16.35 Transparency poorer. Cloud constantly drifting over.








16.45 Waited and waited for a clearing but the trees got there first. 

16.54 Cleared briefly in a fork between conifers!  







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