
7.02.2022 White frost.


Monday 7th 36F,  a white frost, clear skies and sunshine promised. The frost on the GRP dome is thick. Possibly overnight snow. It is waiting for the sun to reach it. That will probably be around lunch time. The high hedges and trees don't let any sunshine through. 09.30 and I am still waiting for the plywood dome to be exposed to full sun. Then, hopefully, I can do some imaging.

10.00 Or not. The seeing was as soft as mush again. I checked all the optics but everything was clear of dew.

Went back at 12.30. Still mush. It became very windy and cloudy after that.

13.20 41F. Finished lunch. The cloud seems to have cleared. Still hazy and white around the sun. More cloud coming.

Wasted some time on the dome.

15.35 [CET] Back to imaging though cloud. Sun just above the roof. Thermal current streaming across the sun's image made it look like a flat roofer's flame. No camera GPC. PST BF5 blocking filter for more light throughput.

In semi darkness I lowered the second, external channel brace. It needed three new holes in the strip, longer bolts, shortening the overlong stud with a hacksaw and a lot of fiddling while up on a ladder. Plus lots of journeys inside the dome to repeatedly remove and refit the washers and nuts. Am I having fun yet?

I would not want to do this while hanging out of the observation slit with the dome up high. Which reinforces the idea that I will need external dome access. From some kind of working platform. One which allows the dome to rotate. Which rules out any structure resting on the bottom of the observation slit. It will probably have to be built off the adjacent shed roof. And be removable. Where can I buy a curved ladder? 😎



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