
18.09.2022 AR3102


Sunday 18th 50F, clear start becoming very cloudy from the NW. Showers threatened.

09.22 First image is badly tuned. Promising transparency if only I could capture some frames.

9.43. There is now so much cloud that I am wasting my time! I'll come back if it clears.


9.45 It cleared partially so I captured some videos through passing cloud. Awful!

It is reported that snow fell in North Jutland today during thunder storms and cloudbursts.

12.30 Sunshine brought me back to the fray. The blue patches just will not cross the sun! There are two distinct cloud layers. With a slower moving upper layer. I am struggling to tune out brightness variations. Or even to focus accurately. 

13.00 Another half hour wasted without a single image captured. Time for lunch.





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