


Sunday 4th 63F/17C.  Bright but with thin, high cloud. The sky is now more white than blue. Wind blowing from the east again. I hope it doesn't blow the telescope around.

9.45 Setting up. Cloud to the east is diluting the sunshine. Soon overcast. 

11.18 A shopping  trip and spreading compost on the parking space later: First image through cloud.

 AR3094 on eastern limb.

11.22 A bit better. AR3092.



 11.26 AR3089 on western limb.









 11.44 A slightly better example of  AR3094 in a 1216x1216 frame size. The very long filament is better seen in this wider field of view.

 Cloud is becoming a real nuisance. So I keep going back to working on the parking space. This needs to be  ready to accept the smaller dome  when I have crane hire bring it down.

 Then I can work on the top ring of the enlarged observatory. Before fitting the rotation rollers on the larger footprint. Only then can I have the bigger dome lifted into place.

 12.25 The seeing conditions have worsened. I'll have a break and make some lunch.

 Here is a full frame image from the ZWO ASI174MM camera through cloud. 1936x1216.

 I may be able to tune out the brighter, right edge. The frame rate dropped dramatically to only 45fps.






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