
15.01.2023 A bit of a storm.


 Sunday 15th. A storm is forecast to pass over after lunch. Bringing gusts to 60mph. The wind has never proved a problem with the observatory so far. All eight rotation rollers have hold-down disks. 

 The observatory building site and nearby shed
are looking forlorn and abandoned in the wet.

 I usually face the shutters into the prevailing wind. Adding the usual clamps to ensure the shutters can't open. 

 I think I will take down the 6" for safety. The dome is no longer waterproof which may have weakened it. Better safe than sorry. I haven't been able to do any imaging anyway. Due to the very low sun and poor weather. Besides, the old dome needs to be lifted down with a crane. To be replaced by the larger, fibreglass dome. Now is as good a time as any. If not now, then when? 

I took down the 6" H-a refractor and laid it on the observatory floor under a tarpaulin. Easier than carrying it down the steep stairs. I turned the shutters to face SW. Then I added more screws to the outside of several plywood panels. The wind is already fierce and was rattling the old panels. Some had been temporarily removed to allow me to work on the observatory enlargement. This work had come to a complete standstill following my wife's sudden death back in April.  

 Today I just managed to return indoors. Before a cloudburst with hail and noisy gusts passed over. The view instantly disappeared into mist and the sheer intensity of the downpour.  


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