

Another attempt with the Digiscoping adapter. This time on the low, winter sun. The temperature was just below freezing with a 30mph gale blowing! Thanks to the frost the ground was hard enough to bear the weight of the castors of my massive pier which supports the MkIV. I dragged it around the outside of the obscuring house to reach the last shaft of sunlight between the neighbour's trees. It is always a problem to have the house on the southern border of one's plot!

I fitted the 6" refractor with the Baader solar filter in place. Then put the digiscoping adaptor with my old Sony P71 camera onto a 26mm eyepiece. Though I had previously focused visually the results seemed to be out of focus. With no sign of the clearly visible sun spots at the centre of the sun's disk. The sun sank below the trees all too rapidly in the very difficult conditions so I packed everything away again.

The moon stood almost directly south when I glanced out later. With the wind still blowing a gale and the temperature at -2C I shall wait until a better moment!

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