
30.10.19 Another sunny day!


Wednesday: White frosty start at 29F. A male blackbird is pottering about on top of the dome.

I have just updated my ZWO software and drivers on the laptop. Just in case. The sun is clearing the tops of the hedges as their shadows sink slowly on the dome shutters at 09.30.

 I am still trying to improve my image processing. Any progress with iMPPG still completely eludes me. I have no idea how useful PhotoShop would be to me. So I use PhotoFiltre because that is what I am used to. Though even here I spend ages ruining what Registax regurgitates before cancelling all the steps I have taken.

With my limited skills it is near impossible to lighten the proms at the expense of the backgrounds. No doubt practice will help but it is very slow progress. Increasing gamma and contrast coarsens the texture of the prom.

At least my daubs are a rough record of the proms on a particular day. Often as they change over the course of an hour or two. All the images on this page were captured today.

PHD2 tells me that ASCOM[AWR] refuses to connect. I read online that it should be possible to auto-guide on solar and lunar features.

Click on any image for an enlargement.


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