
22.03.2020 Another partially sunny day! PST Etalon adjustments.


Sunday 22nd. 30F. Overnight frost. Bright sunshine with very little cloud. The increasing, easterly wind may be a problem during the morning. I wrapped up well to stay warm.

10:25 43/41F, sun centered and focused but waiting for cloud to clear.

Too much cloud! 30% of 1000 frames. 800x600.

As there was so much cloud I dismantled the PAST etalon drive. I didn't like the highly asymmetrical brightness across the frame. Then I reinserted an original O-ring.

By manually rotating the exposed, inner tuning ring I found a position where 1936x1216 was mostly even in brightness. I then reassembled the etalon shell and its rubber band.

12.20 The cloud is clearing at last!

There is a small, dark spot well onto the disk.

13.4 After lunch the cloud continued to tease.


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