
17.06.2020 Prom on SW limb.


Wednesday 17th 10.00 74/70F. Cloud and milky sky but some clear periods. Steady seeing at first. A superb prom on the SW limb.

I have already changed to the PST BF. Which provides a much brighter image allowing me to to considerably reduce Gain. The B1200 remains the best choice for surface detail. If there is any.

As the seeing was so steady I changed from the 1.6x to the 2x and now the 2.6x GPC for more scale. 800x600 cropped.

11.44. 82/72F. None of the later captures was an improvement on the early ones. The violent thermal agitation and out-of-focus softness made further imaging impossible.

I have left the telescope tracking but with a Baader solar foil filter over the objective. The camera had quickly reached 45C but had dropped back to 29C after the telescope was covered and SharpCap closed for a while.

A kestrel was hovering high above the dome just now. Not quite right for a silhouette though.

18.30 76/71F, after a long, warm and sunny day I am checking for a late improvement in seeing conditions. It was pointless in trying before now. The view of the sun was mush.

18.44: The same set up as earlier this morning. PST BF [for reduced gain] and 2.6x TS GPC for scale.

500 frames, 800x600, cropped to about 420 x 420 then enlarged to 600x600. Which is a bit naughty because the enlargement is digital.

Opened in ImPPG but with default settings. I did not want to spoil the delicacy. Sharpening would completely ruin them.

Caught just before the trees hid the sun. Lots of short videos to increase the chance of still moments being caught.

I am quite pleased with these as an example of risking enlarged scale when the seeing conditions will briefly allow it.


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