
24.02.2021 A bevelling I shall go.. tra-la.


 Wednesday 24th 46-54F. Mild, heavy overcast and windy but dry.

I have 24 lengths of 4.2m x 2x4s timber to bevel on one narrow side to 12° [78°] on the table saw. These things are long and heavy! It will need a feed in and feed out table and infinite patience! It's lucky so many of them are rounded on one edge. Half the job is done before I switch on the saw!

Now I'm wondering if I should get a new blade for my ancient, dirt cheap, [supermarket special] handheld, circular saw. It might be easier and much safer. 

A new saw would be nice but DeWalt has shot itself in both feet and probably twice in the head too. Skyrocketing prices even without the battery and charger included? Now I find that my 18V and 48V DeWalt battery collection is utterly worthless on their new tools! No backwards compatibility! DeWalt RIP.  

I decided to refit the DeWalt "Construction" blade on their table saw to bevel the long lengths of 2x4 timber. The fine toothed Freud blade I had been using was far too flexible. 

My old B&D workbenches were set up for and aft of the table saw on its stand. The benches had timber clamped in their jaws at the same level as the table saw to act as rests. Rollers would have been better! It was hard work pushing and then dragging the heavy timber through the saw but it went better than I had feared. Grippy industrial gloves helped but I kept my distance from the spinning blade.

12 lengths done with no "nasty moments" nor stalls, so far. 12 more to go after lunch. I was very glad for my ear defenders. The racket from the saw when I took them off was unbelievable! It was so mild I was comfortable in just a T-shirt. The wind was blowing the dust everywhere.

It started spotting with rain as I prepared to continue sawing. So I tidied everything away. Just as well. Because I could feel two days of repeatedly handling heavy timber, plywood and site machines in my back and arms. Rest now and start refreshed tomorrow. The trick is to stay in the game.


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