


Tuesday 27th 28F, overnight frost then sunshine. I'll try early imaging as soon as the sun clears the trees. That should offer the best chance of favourable seeing conditions. 

Despite steady seeing conditions  have struggled to tune the etalon. For over an hour the results have been too sharp without showing the magnetic lines. This image is beginning to show the detail. 

Now the processed images are looking artificial in ImPPG. Despite using default settings.

10.56 48F, rather more cloud but the seeing conditions have really improved. Far more thermally mobile but sharper detail.

11.26 50F Changed to 1.6x GPC to favour the unstable seeing.






Blogger is having another breakdown. The text has changed and wont revert to normal.

 11.55 Discovered a nice prom at 11 o'clock NE on the limb. Just as a large cloud intervened. Swapped to the PST blocking filter for more light throughput. Needs re-tuning and refocusing. Strong thermal agitation. Coarse result from processing.






12.36  Last image before lunch: No GPC.



Afternoon session: 17.50 Seeing poor so removed the GPC.
















18.55 Sun lost behind trees.


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