
16.05.2021 Thunder & ribs.


Sunday 16th 50-59F, overcast start then brightening. Thundery showers.

I had just made my first cut of a new, arc pattern for shutter ribs when there was a huge clap of thunder and rain. I grabbed the power tools and took them to safety. There followed brighter and darker periods with more menacing rumbles. Lunch intervened. The forecast is still mixed.

I plan to use the pattern to mark out more arcs and then jigsaw them from the sheet. Followed by trimming with the router. I could cut them with the router but I'm not sure it would save any time. Besides, I have no idea how long the router bit would last if it was having to do all the work.

Having made my first arc with the router I used it as an accurate pattern to mark out more. These were sawn out with the jigsaw. Six done and the farmer arrived on the other side of the hedge with a giant sprayer. I promptly retreated indoors. Six arcs is enough for one rib. That's two shutter ribs completed when they are joined together. 

I had another odd idea. I go to great lengths to make a square cut across the end of each arc. So they all fit together, end to end, regardless of order to form a rib. Why not scribe and cut the slanting end to match the next along? Long, butt joints instead of the shortest possible. The inevitable staggered joints should be both stiffer and stronger once glued into a 2-ply lamination. 

It just needs them to be put together in the correct series. Suitably marked they should do so. Timber frame building style. It probably needs longer arcs if the next one along has more chopped off than merely square. There seems to be no shortage on overall length for three arcs to form one layer of a rib. I have to cut the ends off and square to fit the dome anyway. I'll check if there is enough material before making a decision.


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