
23.05.2021 Six arcs make a rib. No imaging today.

 23rd 50-56F, grey morning, sunny afternoon. Westerly gales all day.

I cut and routed six arcs in the afternoon for the outer shutter ribs. 227cm radius outside, 215cm inside and 12cm deep. Six arcs make only one rib at double thickness. One arc looked fine when I pushed it up under the shutter. Just trying to get a feel for the 12cm depth. I don't know why I worried about 10cm being too deep. These shallow arcs are light enough to be easily handled. Six arcs consumed only half a 1.5m x1.5m. sheet. [5'x5']

I was going to try imaging this afternoon. With gales blowing from the west I realised it would be a waste of time. It would be blowing straight through the slit and into the dome. I missed the massive flare around the sunspot because of the bad weather yesterday. There were some excellent animations of the flare on Solar Chat! The specialist, solar discussion, imaging and observation forum.


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