
18.09.2021 Shutter top boards.


Saturday 18th 61F, heavy overcast cleared to sunny periods with lots of cloud.

I started on the shutter zenith boards using a 12mm template. Having scribed the top and bottom edges to match the surfaces I cut it out. There followed lots of trimming to get a nice fit. 

Then I scribed the bottom edge, where it rested on the dome, using the scrap piece of flexible plastic. This gave me the necessary, working clearance. A tight fit might have jammed the shutters in the closed position. While a close fit would aid in support by relieving the drawer slides of some of the weight when [normally] closed.

The outer rib, on the left, is still leaning. The template edges are both upright. Having been marked off carefully using an accurate level when the template was in place. I clamped a crowbar to the rib and was able to bring it upright. Though it still wants to lean over.

Now I shall make a template for the opposite side. Hopefully it will be a mirror edition of the first. Once that is completed I shall triple the thickness by gluing and laminating. 

The triple 12mm laminated boards were cut out and glued in the afternoon. With enough secondhand clamps to sink a battleship.


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