
17.09.2021 Lowering the shutter profile.


Friday 17th heavy overcast and cooler at 56F. 

Having notched the shutter ribs by 30mm vertically I had to remove all the fixing brackets. Otherwise the shutters couldn't drop to match the potentially lower profile. 

The image shows the latest and lowest shutter profile. With the ribs now clearing the dome by only 20mm. The ribs have to have depth to ensure enough stiffness. So can't be made any slimmer. There is no problem with clearance because the shutters move further away from the dome as they open.

I still need to rout the chamfer on the top of the second rib to match the first. This will avoid having a sharp, right angle pressing against the underside of the shutter covers. Which would tend to resist lying flat.

Drizzle stopped play in the afternoon. Though I was able to work inside the dome. So completed re-fixing the brackets. There is a heavy overcast and it was very dark in there with the shutters closed. The triangular openings are facing the high hedge. So very little light gets in. I doubt there will be any need to paint the interior traditional black. Green is supposed to be restful.



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