
Back in the hot seat [at last!]


Monday 8th July 2019: Back in the observatory watching solid clouds move across the open observation slit. Two layers, moving at very different speeds, only add to the misery. The cloud cover is getting progressively worse.

Same rippled mask problem in SharpCap with the ZWO.

I have discovered a relationship between "Snapshot" image size, image software Sharpening and a strong checked pattern. At original size, Sharpening in PhotoFiltre7 produced an instant cloth type of pattern with only two or three clicks. When image size was reduced by Resizing to 1000 pixels the pattern was much less subtle.

Presumably this is related to debayering. [De-mozaicing] The rippled mask I am experiencing may be a weak debayering pattern. Not that I know what to do about it. It is odd that reducing the image size in SharpCap has NO effect. The overlaying "ripple" remains no matter how small I make the image [frame] when capturing videos or in live preview.

What has changed? This did not occur in earlier video captures with the ZWO and SharpCap.

Tuesday: Having more success with clearer skies. Early results were bettered by a 2x WO Barlow on the nose of the ZWO 120MC camera and painting in the disk for more contrast. Quite pleased with this one.

Imaging later in the afternoon seemed to provide much better seeing. The second image @ 17.00pm [left] shows how quickly the prom had changed in only half an hour. Here I captured both the disk surface detail and the prom simultaneously. Though the disk was bleached by the brightening to bring out the prom you can still see what is normally seen in the laptop's onscreen image.. Earlier I could capture nothing because of the rippled "mask."

The 1727pm [right] is improving despite my clumsy efforts with Registax and PhotoFiltre.

Click on any image for an enlargement.

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