
13.03.2020 Solart H-a AR2758


Friday 13th gales and overcast clearing  mid afternoon to sunshine and showers. 52F inside the dome, 49F out.

Reset date and time in AWR drives IH2.

iStar 150mm f/10 H-a. 100 frames of 3000, 32fps 0.731ms 800x600.  No gain. Processed i AS!2, iMPPG and Photofiltre7. 

The second image is similar but not so dark. 800x600

The third image is 640x480 for a smaller field of view and more "magnification". At the risk of greater sensitivity to tracking drift and poor seeing conditions.

The 4th image is the same as earlier 800x600 but the seeing has lots its crispness.


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